Sunday, March 22, 2009

Boost Adsense Income Tip 2 – Content Research

People always say content is king. Content used to be king but now has become a pauper. Only by using unique content can you boost Adsense income significantly. In the past, duplicate content can still stick well in the search engines like glue. Nowadays, search engines spit them out of their index faster than they stick.Successful webmasters create unique content using a few methods. One way is by researching and writing which can be painful but rewarding. Another method is rewriting private label articles. This is faster but sufficient editing of at least 30 percent is required. The third is hiring ghostwriters to do the job. This is great if you already have an established website, deep pockets or the returns would be significantly higher.What about those article spinners or content rewriter that promises you unique content? Most article spinners merely perform keyword substitution and reorganize the paragraphs of scrapped articles from the internet. These are hardly unique in the eyes of search engines and in many instances, the content produced is incoherent. However, I have to admit that they can be useful reference if you intend to edit the spun content.

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