Friday, April 10, 2009

4 Simple Tips to Spice up your Internet Marketing Material

Internet marketing is not exactly simple. People that are Internet savvy tend to believe that websites need to have a lot of keyword rich content but this is not necessarily the case. Copy needs to have a flow, provide useful information, and be readable. It should not have a bunch of keywords slapped in all over the place. Content is KING!Writing a lot of articles to help sell our products or services is not something that many of us have time to do. Some of us, however, just plain do not have what it takes to write quality articles."Why recreate something that isn't broken?" Instead, utilize these 4 simple tips to spice up your Internet marketing material. 1. Use Famous and Funny QuotesCreate a web page dedicated to famous and funny quotes. People often overlook this simple method of drawing traffic to their site. Use specialty books like: "Great Quotes from Great Leaders" by Peggy Anderson (Editor); and Michael McKee (Illustrator). You can begin by typing famous quotes into a search engine like Google. This will also lead you to websites that host famous and funny quotations. For more details go to .Finding the perfect quotes takes some effort so be sure to make some time to finding them. You can either copy and paste them to your website or, if you have the means to do so, pay someone to do it for you but be sure there is a link to your website somewhere on the page.2. Internet ArticlesYou will seldom see any online copyright laws enforced. You can basically copy text, rewrite it, and then sell the material you locate. While investing money into a copyright website is an option, it is often too costly for most small businesses. You will generally find it pretty easy to research the material, then reword it, rather than start from scratch. Never resort to "stealing" material as it is both unethical and illegal but there is nothing wrong with using material as a resource. Three: Directory Pages are Your FriendThe popularity of the Internet is in no small part due to the fact that it is a great resource for locating information. Surfers are constantly browsing topics on self-improvement, home decor, and a number of products and services. Every link they use gets them that much closer to finding the information they seek. Your site would gain more traffic than you would think simply by adding in a directory page. For more information logon to .Including a directory means that your site is up there next to the search engine directories. Your site is also more likely to be added as a bookmark so people are likely to pay a return visit. Naturally, it would not do for you to lead surfers away from your own site. That is why you want to add links to sites that are not in competition with you and this will in turn increase traffic.4. Free ContentYou cannot possibly save more time than by using other people's work. Why spend all of your time slaving away writing articles when there are literally thousands of starving writers out there desperate for you to use their articles. Online directories make it easy to locate writers that specialize in web content. In the end, you will have a fully functional site with fewer problems and in record time. Content is critical to the success of your website as are the keywords that help make them. Why should you worry about writing it yourself with so many ways to obtain content almost immediately? Just look around, you will find it!

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