Monday, March 2, 2009

The Gender Revolution of Indian Business Women

This dark period was gradually taken over by a period which witnessed the emergence of women in business, and so-much-so that today India has female business tycoons from the field of Banking, Food & Beverage, Public Offering, Pharmaceuticals and many others. The camouflage has really been removed and women have proved their mettle not only in politics (Sonia Gandhi, the UPA Chairperson, has made it up to Forbes list of World’s Most Powerful Women), but in Indian business and global business sectors too. Indira Nooyi, Simone Tata, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Naina Lal Kidwani, Kalpana Morporia, Ekta kapoor are few Indian Business Women who negated the codes of social conformity and made their presence felt globally. Where there are stories of high class ladies who completed their studies from Universities of the like of Cambridge, there are Indian Business Women like Gulab Devi of Ajmer who hadn’t ever had a formal education but is a solar engineer! Gulab Devi, who is the sole bread earner of the family consisting of her ailing husband and four kids, makes electronic circuits and chargers for solar lighting panels like Rajasthan, Bihar, J&K, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Uttaranchal, Assam and Sikkim.So it’s not only the top class business sectors where women have marked their niche. Middle class women from the rural areas have also become pro business women. Vending goods at railway stations and footpaths had by and large been a male feature. Visit Kolkata, Gujarat or Delhi and you would see that it is as much a female’s domain as a male’s. These business women are too much of a fighter, waking up each day, using their corporate skills to earn the maximum possible profit for their livelihood.Charting their own course, these women among many others crossed various milestones and realized the power of business. Today many of them adorn the cover of magazines and newspaper highlights, undergo business trips, address employees, manage firms single handedly and reign high in the once male dominated world.There is no one factor that initiated the change. It has been able of the social acceptability, the comfort level and multiple growth opportunities women have been offered in the corporate industry. The zeal and enthusiasm with which these ladies work, is no doubt the decisive success factor. They are not negatively self conscious that they are women and cannot make it big- which alone is the driving force.

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